In Case You Missed It

My 2013 book, Fire Spook -The Mysterious Nova Scotia Haunting, is featured prominently in a TV series “Fire Ghost of Caledonia Mills.” The show, a four-part mini-series (I guess you’d call it – I write books, not TV ads), aired on Bell Fibe1 beginning January 8. I tried to watch it on my “smart TV”… Continue reading In Case You Missed It

Books for Christmas

Everyone should get books for Christmas! I have copies here of some of my books: Senior Moment: Navigating the Challenges of Caring for MomThe Great Maritime Detective: The Exploits and Adventures of the Notorious Peachie CarrollThe Historic Town of PictouBluenoseHistoric New Glasgow, Stellarton, Trenton & WestvilleIn the Spirit I also have marked-down copies of Scotch… Continue reading Books for Christmas

Terry Fallis’ statement on the economics of writing Award-winning author Terry Fallis wrote the essay represented by the link above. Terry is a successful writer, with multiple best-sellers, TV shows and awards to his credit. I am a fan of his work. He’s a funny guy, and quite approachable – a good fellow. He’s been in this race for a while. He… Continue reading Terry Fallis’ statement on the economics of writing

If I could save time in a photo, the first thing that I’d like to do….

… with apologies to the late Jim Croce of “Time in a Bottle” fame… I’d save all my photos where they would be kept and shared and become a source of wonder: Did they really squeeze toddlers into clothes that were too tight? Or that had to be rolled up or cinched in? (Yes, they… Continue reading If I could save time in a photo, the first thing that I’d like to do….

I am an Ex-twitterbird

I quit Twitter – just a few days ago. I had several reasons, including the re-instatement of the account of that eedjit south of the border. Had enough of him, don’t need more. I have enough trouble juggling three email accounts/identities plus associated duties as permanent or occasional “admin” for several other accounts, two facebook… Continue reading I am an Ex-twitterbird

100 years ago: strange fires at Caledonia Mills

MacDonald home

Jan. 16, 2022 One hundred years ago today, tales of ghostly fires at a tiny community south of Antigonish reached the ears of the local Halifax Herald reporter. “Do you want a story?” Harold Whidden, a First World War veteran and business man, queried of his editor. And so, the story of a fire-setting spook… Continue reading 100 years ago: strange fires at Caledonia Mills