My 2013 book, Fire Spook -The Mysterious Nova Scotia Haunting, is featured prominently in a TV series “Fire Ghost of Caledonia Mills.” The show, a four-part mini-series (I guess you’d call it – I write books, not TV ads), aired on Bell Fibe1 beginning January 8. I tried to watch it on my “smart TV”… Continue reading In Case You Missed It
Tag: Monica Graham
Books for Christmas
Everyone should get books for Christmas! I have copies here of some of my books: Senior Moment: Navigating the Challenges of Caring for MomThe Great Maritime Detective: The Exploits and Adventures of the Notorious Peachie CarrollThe Historic Town of PictouBluenoseHistoric New Glasgow, Stellarton, Trenton & WestvilleIn the Spirit I also have marked-down copies of Scotch… Continue reading Books for Christmas
Books! Books! Books!
Next Saturday, May 25, you can find me at WRING in the Spring, at Glasgow Square Theatre in New Glasgow. There will be a bunch of us meeting and greeting readers, selling and signing our books and – most likely – schmoozing. It’s Just one of the best things about such events. This is all… Continue reading Books! Books! Books!
Terry Fallis’ statement on the economics of writing Award-winning author Terry Fallis wrote the essay represented by the link above. Terry is a successful writer, with multiple best-sellers, TV shows and awards to his credit. I am a fan of his work. He’s a funny guy, and quite approachable – a good fellow. He’s been in this race for a while. He… Continue reading Terry Fallis’ statement on the economics of writing
If I could save time in a photo, the first thing that I’d like to do….
… with apologies to the late Jim Croce of “Time in a Bottle” fame… I’d save all my photos where they would be kept and shared and become a source of wonder: Did they really squeeze toddlers into clothes that were too tight? Or that had to be rolled up or cinched in? (Yes, they… Continue reading If I could save time in a photo, the first thing that I’d like to do….
I am an Ex-twitterbird
I quit Twitter – just a few days ago. I had several reasons, including the re-instatement of the account of that eedjit south of the border. Had enough of him, don’t need more. I have enough trouble juggling three email accounts/identities plus associated duties as permanent or occasional “admin” for several other accounts, two facebook… Continue reading I am an Ex-twitterbird
Time flies
Over the past seven months, every time I decided to write a post for this page, I couldn’t summon enough energy to even hunt for the password. “I’ll do it tomorrow,” I told myself – and wrote it in my day book, aka calendar, for the next day – and the next… and the next…… Continue reading Time flies
Early in the morning
For years and years and years, I rose before dawn and took my coffee to my desk to write for a few hours before breakfast. The Covid-19 pandemic and my cellphone changed that. For the past two years I awoke and relished the thought that there was no rush. I couldn’t go anywhere – at… Continue reading Early in the morning
100 years ago: strange fires at Caledonia Mills
Jan. 16, 2022 One hundred years ago today, tales of ghostly fires at a tiny community south of Antigonish reached the ears of the local Halifax Herald reporter. “Do you want a story?” Harold Whidden, a First World War veteran and business man, queried of his editor. And so, the story of a fire-setting spook… Continue reading 100 years ago: strange fires at Caledonia Mills
I did not expect to receive copies of my newest book, Senior Moment, until the very end of April, or – more likely – early May. Nimbus Publishing had set the print date for April 27, and it takes time to pack books in boxes and load them onto trucks to take them to bookstores.… Continue reading Released!!!!