You are invited…

….To a virtual Zoom reading of Senior Moment on May 11, 7-8 pm, hosted by Pictou Antigonish Regional Library (and me). This is the link: And the poster: May 11 seems a long way off in this chilly March morning, but time goes by quickly. Here is a little peek into the mysterious world… Continue reading You are invited…

Library Love

I got my first library card when I was five.  We’d just moved to a fishing outport, and our new community had a lending library in a room in the Grenfell hospital. For those who never heard of a Grenfell hospital, it’s one of the small hospitals in isolated communities across Newfoundland and Labrador, parts… Continue reading Library Love

#I Read Canadian

Confession: I collect children’s books. See, my babies are grown, and their babies live far away. There is no longer an opportunity to cozy up on the couch with a pile of kids and pile of storybooks to read out loud  – but I still buy them and READ THEM TO MYSELF. Oh, the guilty… Continue reading #I Read Canadian

What’s new?

Here is the cover of my latest book, Senior Moment, which will be released in April. “Part memoir, part cautionary tale, part how-to” is what folks are saying. It is my account of getting my mom moved from her unwieldy old home and into a place where she’d be happy and receive top quality care.… Continue reading What’s new?